I have been thinking and discussing with various people over the last couple of days about places on this dear earth that I would like to visit. Sure, I have been around quite a lot compared to the next guy, but lets be honest, there is still so much to be seen, and it would take a couple of lifetimes to really say one has "seen it all". A mere mortal as myself cannot, so I have narrowed down the places I'd like to visit in the next 10 years to five different cities. Bucket list of travel destinations if you will.
Enough talk, here they are in no particular order:
Brazil: Rio de Janeiro
Rio... there is so much good crammed into one place here. Beautiful ocean and landscape, plenty of football, people from all over the world, Portuguese, beautiful statues and architecture, hot weather, hot girls ;) I have had Brazil on my "go to" place for a long time. I have a feeling I would really like the culture there, where everything and everyone is just one whole mixture of different places. Definitively a top travel destination. Oh, and the fact that the World Cup 2014 is held here is just a nice little bonus.
Korea: Seoul
This particular choice has a lot to do with the fact that I have many friends and former classmates who come from this country. One's interest are influenced by one's surroundings, this here a perfect example. Other than wanting to see my friends' national capital, I also am yet to really experience Asia. Obviously this is a huge continent, but as far as the Far East is concerned I think Korea would be a nice choice. Its not as communist and creepy as China, and not as crammed and chaotic as Japan (at least, this is the notion I get). It is a nice in between ("lagom" if you speak swedish). I hear the have pretty intense internet connections here as well, and the Swedes have Pirate Bay; this could be the start of a wonderful partnership =)
Czech Republic: Prague
This choice might come as a bit of a surprise to some people, but Prague is a seriously underrated city, and absolutely worth traveling to. Czech Republic shares a border with Poland, so it's not like it's on the opposite side of the world, and for many Poles it is a favorite tourist destination. Spending a weekend roaming around the Staré Město, exploring all the little
cafe's hidden around the corner is something I am planning to do sometime
within the next few years. It doesn't get more European than that =)
United States: New York

America... the country where everything is bigger and better =) Nah, but jokes aside, going to America one day is an absolute must for me, and what place could be better than the Big Apple itself. If Jay-Z and thousands of other artist are to be believed, this is the place to be. Another reason for me being interested in America is obviously, since just like Korea, I have a lot of friends there. Maybe not in New York in particular, but hey, if I made it across the Atlantic, one would think they would jump on the Greyhound and meet up. Wishful thinking? Hope not! =) Central Park, World Trade Memorial, Broadway, Times New Square, Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, the sights to see go on and on and on. Might have to spend a month here to see it all, probably more.
England: London

I see your smiles, that's right, LONDON! If you even know me in the slightest you can be assured that I have one motive and one motive only in going to London. This is of course to see the Emirates Stadium. The Mecca of any Arsenal fan, the Holy Grail of English Football. Without a doubt, if I am ever in England, Ashburton Grove is where I will be. After I have seen the stadium, however, there is of course a lot of other things to see in London, for example The Eye, Big Ben, The Tower of London etcetera etcetara. As a side note, I do have a little bit of a connection to England, as my dad was in fact born under the Queen's rule in the British Empire. Ghana got their Independence a year after he was born, which we all are thankful for, but there is my claim to England.
There you have them, my wishlist for travel destinations in the next 10 years. Let's see how many of them I can fulfill.